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Hot Work and Welding Safety

Hot Work includes but not limited to any work that involves operations including cutting, welding, Thermit welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, thermal spraying, thawing pipe, installation of torch-applied roof systems or any other similar activity (IFC Chapter 35).

Operations not covered in this Hot Work Program:

  1. Fixed Grinding Wheels
  2. Electric Soldering Irons
  3. Heat Guns
  4. Matches/Lighters
  5. Process Equipment (e.g. furnaces, ovens, hot water tanks, boilers, etc.)
  6. Lab Related Activities including:
    • Bunsen Burner
    • Hot Plates
    • Propane/Butane Torches (equal to or less than 15oz)
  7. Other University covered policies
    • Candle and Open Flame Devices
    • Open Burning and Outdoor Fires

While these activities are not covered in this program, every effort should be made to maintain safe distances between combustible materials and flame producing devices. The University Hot Work Procedures are divided into three categories; Designated Area Procedures, Controlled Area Procedures and Contractor Procedures.

  • A Designated Area is a permanent location designed or approved for hot work operations to be performed regularly. EHS will issue Designated Areas an Annual Designated Area Hot Work Permit (HSF_001), confirming it has been inspected and approved as such.
  • A Controlled Area is a work area in which safe condition for hot work exist or where safe conditions can be created by moving or protecting combustibles or by having a trained fire watch observe the work to ensure that safe conditions are maintained during Hot Work operations.  The majority of Hot Work done on campus will fall under the Controlled Area Procedures and require the use of an FM Global Hot Work Permit (HS8F_002).
  • Contractors are responsible for completing their own Hot Work Permit and must have their own fire watch person.  In addition, Ithaca City and State Owned Buildings have additional requirements.

Written Program/Manuals

Hot Work Program Protected Document