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Indoor Air Quality

The University recognizes the impact that indoor air quality has in the workplace.  University buildings are designed, built and maintained to provide a comfortable and safe work environment free from environmental and other contamination that may result in diminished indoor air quality.

Symptoms arising from poor indoor air quality often mimic those symptoms commonly associated with a cold, flu or allergies. These symptoms may include upper respiratory irritation, congestion, headaches, nausea, fatigue and itchy or watery eyes. Through occupant interviews, building inspection and air quality testing, Environment, Health and Safety and Facilities Services staff are often able to determine the cause of indoor air quality problems.

All IAQ concerns shall first be communicated to the building coordinator to initiate review. The building coordinator shall investigate concerns relating to:

  • Temperature or humidity problems
  • Draftiness
  • Stale air
  • Particulates or dirt coming from your air handling system
  • Visible mold growth less than 10 ft. 2 

Building coordinators may contact EHS for support as necessary.

The building coordinator shall contact EHS at 607-255-8200 to investigate concerns relating to:

  • Chemical, gas, exhaust or unusual odors or
  • Sickness associated with building occupancy which may include, headaches, nausea, dizziness, and/or upper respiratory irritation.

IAQ concerns that pose an immediate threat to personal health or safety shall be reported by calling 911/ 607-255-1111.

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