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Hazard Class 8: Corrosives


A liquid or solid that causes full thickness destruction of human skin at the site of contact within a specified period time. A liquid, or a solid which may become liquid during transportation, that has a severe corrosion rate on steel or aluminum.

Examples of class 8 materials include:

  • Hydrochloric Acid

  • Sodium Hydroxide
  • Mercury(because it dissolves aluminum)

Shipping Options

  • Become Trained - All shipments of Class 8 material require the shipper to be trained and certified.  EHS certifies all shippers at Cornell. All training whether on-site or by an outside vendor, EHS must review training and issue a certificate of training.

  • Contact EHS - EHS has employees trained in the shipping of hazardous material and can ship your material for you (EHS 607-255-8200).