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2.6 EHS Responsibilities

Cornell University EHS is registered with the EPA as the generator of hazardous waste. The Environment, Health and Safety Policy 8.6 establishes EHS as having the primary responsibility for administering Cornell’s chemical waste management program and establishing policies and procedures for proper chemical waste management.  Elements of the chemical waste management program include: 

  • Developing a written Hazardous Waste Disposal Manual and an online program detailing university policies related to hazardous waste and material management.
  • Developing and maintaining a RCRA Contingency Plan for all Cornell University 90 Day Accumulation Areas.
  • Providing both live and online waste management training to all required campus personnel. Training will be tailored to meet both federal and state requirements. The level of training required for  trainees is a direct function of the work related to waste management.
  • Acting as an information resource for campus personnel with hazardous waste related questions.
  • Providing pickup and transport of chemical hazardous waste from campus Satellite Accumulation Areas to the campus main 90 Day Accumulation Area.
  • Providing periodic inspections of campus 90 Day Accumulation Areas.
  • Acting as point of contact with all regulatory agencies related to waste management issues.
  • Preparing and maintaining records, reports and manifests as required by regulation.
  • Acting as Stewards for university hazardous waste contracts, providing quality control and payment approval for waste related invoices.
  • Initiating programs and guidance to minimize the generation of hazardous wastes.
  • Keeping up-to-date with current regulations and best practices.   