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7.19.1 Dry Ethidium Bromide Wastes, Including Gloves and Papers

  • Materials that do not fluoresce under UV light may be disposed of directly in the trash. 
  • Deactivate the dye, dry the solids, and dispose via normal trash, OR
  • Submit for Chemical Waste Collection a blue "Contaminated Waste Label"  – identify the materials as “Ethidium Bromide”.

Ethidium Bromide Gels

  • Gels that do not fluoresce under UV light may be disposed of directly in the trash. 
  • Deactivate the dye, dry the gel, and dispose via trash, OR
  • Dry and submit to EHS for collection as Contaminated Waste (request blue EHS label through "askEHS").

 Liquids (non-flammable)

Liquids (flammable)

  • Any ethidium bromide waste that contains a flammable liquid (such as butanol) should be submitted for Hazardous Waste disposal.
  • Concentrated Mutagenic Dyes
  • Concentrated mutagenic dyes that are unusable may be submitted for Hazardous Waste disposal. This includes mutagenic dyes that are concentrated by absorption onto a filter media. 