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Anonymous Reporting Ethics & Safety Concerns About the Select Agents and Toxins Program

To anonymously report activities involving improper conduct or violations of Cornell University's Policies to the University, you may use EthicsPoint, an online reporting tool available to all Cornell staff, faculty, and students.

Please note, none of the above is 911 or an Emergency Service. If immediate emergency services are required please dial 911 from a landline or 607-255-1111 from a mobile phone.

Please report biosafety, biosecurity concerns, and potential violations of laws or regulations of the Select Agent Program to your supervisor or directly to the EHS Biosafety team as soon as possible, as outlined in existing standard operating procedures.

Alternatively, the Federal Select Agent Program provides avenues for anonymous* reporting of violations of laws and regulations related to Select Agents and Toxins. Violations such as criminal activity, mismanagement, employee misconduct, and other concerns can be reported through either the United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Inspector General (USDA-OIG) or the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (DHHS-OIG).

*The identity of complainants is protected under the provisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 (PDF) and the Inspector General Act of 1978 (PDF)

Note: This information meets the provision and documentation requirements as outlined in Section9(a)(7) and Section 15(e) of the select agent regulations. These regulatory requirements are an “ongoing” requirement, which means that SRA-approved individuals will be provided with and will attest receipt and understanding of this information annually.