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Chapter 4 - Administrative Controls

Administrative controls include policies and procedures that result in providing proper guidance for safe laboratory work practices and set the standard for behavior within the laboratory. Once developed, administrative controls must be implemented and adhered to by all personnel working in the laboratory.

Colleges and departments are responsible for developing policies and written guidelines to ensure laboratory workers are protected against exposure to hazardous chemicals as outlined in the OSHA Laboratory Standard and physical hazards that may be present, including the development of a written Chemical Hygiene Plan or adoption of this Laboratory Safety Manual.

It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator and laboratory supervisor to ensure that personnel working in laboratories under their supervision are informed and follow laboratory specific, departmental, and campus wide policies and procedures related to laboratory safety – such as the guidelines and requirements covered in this Laboratory Safety Manual.

In addition to meeting regulatory requirements identified within this Laboratory Safety Manual, colleges and departments are strongly encouraged to incorporate the recommendations and guidelines identified within this manual. While this Laboratory Safety Manual provides the minimum requirements and recommendations to meet the intent of the OSHA Laboratory Standard, colleges, departments, Principal Investigators, and laboratory supervisors have the authority to implement more stringent policies within laboratories under their supervision and are encouraged to do so.