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Chapter 9 - Particularly Hazardous Substances

The OSHA Laboratory Standard requires as part of the Chemical Hygiene Plan that provisions for additional employee protection be included for work involving particularly hazardous substances. These substances include “select carcinogens”, reproductive toxins, and substances which have a high degree of acute toxicity. Each of these categories will be discussed in detail in later sections.The OSHA Laboratory Standard states for work involving particularly hazardous substances, specific consideration be given to the following provisions where appropriate:

  • Establishment of a designated area. 
  • Use of containment devices such as fume hoods or glove boxes. 
  • Procedures for safe removal of contaminated waste. 
  • Decontamination procedures.

EHS can assist researchers by providing information on working with particularly hazardous substances. General guidelines and recommendations for the safe handling, use, and control of hazardous chemicals and particularly hazardous substances can be found in SDSs.
