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Chapter 5 - Emergency Preparation


Ithaca Campus: CALL 911 from any campus phone or dial 607-255-1111 from any cell phone, or off campus phone to reach Cornell University Police. Consult the Emergency Action Guide for more information.

Outlying Facilities: CALL 911 or follow your facility emergency response procedure. Consult the Emergency Action Guide for more information.

Emergencies can occur at any time, without warning. Careful planning, with an emphasis on safety, can help members of the Cornell community handle crises and emergencies with appropriate responses, and could save lives. Every member of the Cornell community shares responsibility for emergency preparedness. Unit heads are responsible for ensuring that their units have emergency plans in place, and that all persons – including faculty, staff and students – are familiar with those emergency plans. Unit heads are also responsible for assigning emergency preparedness and response duties to appropriate staff members.
